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Making A Difference

We are strong believers in giving back to our community, and in helping children to have the best start for a bright future. This is the page where you can find our current project for our P.A.L.S. schools and information on how you can help!

In 2008 when Rhiley was 4 yrs old, doctors at IWK performed surgery to remove a benign tumor from Rhiley's brain. The hospital has been following his progress yearly showing no changes with test results. Now 5 years later, during a routine MRI, they found out that not only has the tumor grown back, but there were changes which were cause for concern.
Rhiley needs to have surgery on Jan. 09,2014 to remove the tumor, the follow up treatments are not known till after the surgery.
Family & friends will be having a benefit for Rhiley. Holding a Steak & Stein and Auction. The event information is listed below.
We are asking you to help us make the event a huge success by donating items for the auction or making a monetary donation. Your generous donation will be publicly acknowledged at our event.
(Go to our 'Contact Us' page to contact us regarding donation Auction items or purchasing tickets)

Or go to Rhileys Facebook Page

*An Official Trust Account has been opened for Rhiley* Monetary Donations Made To:

In Trust For Rhiley Bell At Any TD CANADA TRUST LOCATION

Branch 5240 Account # 6409002

New Winter Clothing Drive.

*Thank you to all that supported this event! Not only did we reach our goal of $3000.00 but we exceeded it!! Lot's of warm kiddies this year :) We couldn't have done it without you!!*

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